Inspiration from PACJA and CDKN on preparing INDCs

edited June 2015 in INDCs
As inspiration for SVA-partners who wish to consider to work on INDCs let me share two recent publications

PACJA - the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance - on 1st of May published an INDC-handbook for practitioners. (42 pages)
Also the CDKN - the Climate and Development Knowledge Network has recently published a Guide to INDCs (30 pages) for Least Developed Countries, also introduced in a webinar on the CDKN website.

The two are quite different, but both publications can provide inspiration for civil society contributions to the INDC process.

The CDKN-publication is targeted mainly at government officials but is also instructive for other stakeholders. It present in a straightforward way what countries can include in their INDCs, The guide underlines the flexibility in what countries can include, but for ease of reference include a possible template. There is a section on adaptation which encourage countries to state their long-term goals and vision on the role of adaptation in sustainable development planning. It makes reference to strong overlap between processes for preparing NAPs and the elements needed for the adaptation component of the INDC. Especially it is interesting to see the encouragement to highlight the synergy and co-benefits between adaptation and mitigation activties. Both in mitigation and adaptation, a key element is action-based contributions - and the guide suggest that countries include also activities which are  conditional on financial support provided.

The PACJA handbook is targeted mainly to civil society actors. Even if the target is on African countries and the member chapters of PACJA, I guess it can also provide inspiration for CS actors elsewhere. It has been developed with input also from Jubilee South and the Asian Pacific Movement on Debt and Development. The handbook "urge the use of the INDC process to campaign for a framework for international actions that includes clear global targets for keeping temperature rise below 1,5 degrees, and country committments onsistent with a fair sharing of the efforts.." and see the INDC process as an "opportunity to influence...what each of our countries will do to confromt climate change and its impacts"

The PACJA handbook covers much of the same ground as the INDC handbook - but with a sharper civil society campaigning perspective. In addition it includes some interesting elements not included by CDKN (identifyed by quickly browsing the document)
  • conditionality  (the opportunity to make the national committments conditional on finance, the ambition of the Paris agreement, or other issues
  • proposals on loss and damage
  • access to technologies by preferential licensing / waivering patents to developing countries
  • A focus on the need for capacity building

There may be many others.

Comments on the relevance of these publications on INDCs are very welcome.



  • Sorry, can't open a file "INDC handbook for practitioners" through link above. Can you help?



  • The links have now been updated and should be working

  • Thanks for the publications. Will go through them and provide feedback on how we aim to use them in Malawi. 
  • World Resource Institute has also published - together with UNDP - a comprehensive draft "Guide for Designing and Preparing INDCs" dated May 13th, mainly with government aas target group it seems. The report is very comprehensive over 100 pages including annexes - and can be downloaded here at the WRI page on INDCs.

    Where the CDKN guide is targeted towards LDCs, the examples included in the WRI report is from INDCs and preparation process mainly in a range of middle-income countries such as South Africa, Chile, Mexico, but also including the INDC from Gabon already published.

    It covers both mitigation, adaptation and finance - and the possible reasons and rationales for preparing INDCs and for including adaptation.

    It emphasise that including adaptation is an option which is not mandatory, but can be relevant for a number of reasons. This can include:

    - to show national leadership on adaptation planning already underway, also indicating possible funding needs
    - if no NAP process has been initiatied, the INDC can include a committment and a plan to launch an NAP planning process.

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